Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I Am Back!

It's been a long while and yes, like I said on my instagram page, I fell off the bandwagon of fitness for a long time, there was a big stall in my happens to the best of us.

Now, it is not all about falling back and feeling guilty about your stall, it is what you intend to do that matters. Now you realise you need to get up and do something, it is one thing to realise that but, it is quite another to get up and do something about it. 

In 2017, what are your fitness goals? For me, I am pushing myself to the max to be better! 

Tell me what you think.



Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Women And Lifting

The controversies surrounding women carrying weights is almost as old as time itself. But, there's no two ways about it. If you want to change the way you look for real, weights are the way to go.

I've seen lots of women sweat away at the cardio machines at the gym. Cardio will only do so much. Yes, it has it's benefits, talking about the cardiovascular benefits, your heart pumps better etc. However, with cardio comes lots of flab and excess skin that comes from losing weight. But, how do you remedy this then- weight training also known as strength training.

Now, there is a misconception that, women who lift weights will look like men but, this cannot be farther from the truth. Trust me, as a woman you don't have enough testosterone to pull that off. This is the male hormone in men responsible for all that muscle and maleness you see in them.

How will you firm up all that flab you have acquired from weight loss? The answer is simply lifting weights.

A woman's basic problem areas are her triceps (the back of the arms), biceps (front of the arms), quads (thighs), hamstrings (back of the thighs) and glutes (butt). These areas become terribly flabby and tend to sag after fat loss.

There are basic strength training workouts to correct these. I will treat these in my next post.

There's simply no way around it, lift weights and change the way you look and feel. Lift weights to sculpt and firm up those saggy areas in your body. As always, you can send me your mails or comments and, I'm here for you.

See you at the gym!


Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy new year loves! I hope you've been good while I was away. In case u haven't, let me know still, we'll tackle it together.

It's a new year and I know for some of you, that means new goals, new visions and most importantly, the almighty new years resolutions! I hope one of your resolutions is taking your own health in your hands, yes you and you alone are responsible for that.

Resolutions are awesome in that, it helps you focus on a goal. But, how do you stay focused on your resolutions without giving way to your old habits?

It is important to note why you made that resolution in the first place. With that picture in mind, you have created the right mentality you need to stay focused.

For me, taking my fitness level to new heights is one of mine. How have I chosen to do that? I've pasted little notes to myself on strategic places in my house I go to all the time. These little notes remind me of what my set goals are. To me, they are little motivational pick me ups. You can adopt that strategy and I assure you, it'll help.

There it is folks! What are your resolutions, pls let me know. Have an awesome year!


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Water, Fruits And Detox

Starting on my fitness journey many years ago, I knew next to nothing about fitness. For instance, the use of water.

Water plays a very big role in an effective fat loss process.
Personally, I consume 2 to 3 liters of water a day with amazing results, less stomach fat, overall fat loss, dewy skin (yes, it's a perfect cure for dry skin) and for the ladies, quality cervical mucous for making babies. To cut a long story short, water does a lit of positive things for you.

But, what about fruits? These are important too. If you're overweight and would love to lose some weight or have some health issues, you will benefit greatly from regular detox and, this is where fruits combined with consumption of water comes in. I do this frequently, three days a month to be precise.

How do I do this? A full day of eating fruits (note, only fruits, not food) and drinking plenty of water for three days does the trick. This will cleanse you of all toxins that cause stomach bloat and weight gain.

So, there you have it, water and fruits are beneficial. The best part is, you can never over consume them.

Keep a date with me as we embark on this journey of health and fitness together. Remember I am here. Post your comments or questions and, I'll reply promptly.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Fitness, A Change In Lifestile

This is a short introduction to this blog which is basically a fitness blog.
Fitness is a lifestyle. I have often met people who try to separate the two but, the truth is, a true commitment to your health and fitness means a complete change in your lifestyle...I will treat this in subsequent posts.
In this blog, you will find tips which will help you in committing to your health and fitness goals. Also feel free to contact me for one on one consultation through the platforms I have provided on my profile.
Having said that, I want to welcome you to my blog.

Sincerely yours,